Louis Khan Plaza

Louis Khan Plaza

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday about to end.......:-(

No posts for saturday.....u know weekends are as such lazy.......:)
But, the time here flies.....u have so much to do....not just on studies, but also IIMA is a good break after a stint in the industry where you can bring out ur latent talents. Basically an year of your life that you bought from the world, hope my readers would agree with me.

Today we are grappling with a Assembly line problem, none of us know it, but the institute has taught us the approach to enter into a dark tunnel so are managing inch by inch....and enjoying the experience.

One thing about Prof Anurag who is the chair of PGPX, he is a Harvard Law graduate and is a wonderful person, since the day we have come here he has been instrumental in making our life comfortable.

And same goes without saying for Sajan Joseph who is the manager of PGPX, because with family we all have constraints but the team here have also been instrumental in finding practical solutions to our problems, ranging from keys of the door, milk delivery just to name a few.

Overall the environment till now has been very supportive......

GMAT question for the day

This ones pretty common.....I too grappled with it during my time.....

New hardy varieties of rice show promise of producing high yields without the costly requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties

a) requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties 

b) requirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation 

c) requirements of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation of earlier high-yielding varieties 

d) application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation that was required by earlier high-yielding varieties 

e) irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer that were required by earler high-yielding varieties 

Hint:-Is required by a correct Idiom?


  1. Hi, I will go with E:) I think required by is correct idiom

  2. My take Option D....
    Please post the OA...

  3. The OA is E......the underlined phrase needs to refer to both activities -- irrigation AND application
